Graeme LEach
GLOBAL Chief economist and leading British expert on the future economic impact of the covid-19 pandemic and Brexit
Keynote speaker Graeme Leach has made hundreds of speeches on the future of the economy and economic policy, in 30 countries across the globe. His audiences have ranged from very large conferences - 2,500 company directors in the Royal Albert Hall in London - to after dinner speeches. He has built a substantial reputation for being able to communicate economic issues to business and non-specialist audiences in a clear, engaging and powerful way.
the great inflection
Drawing on the core themes in Graeme's
forthcoming book (end 2021).
Graeme has written and spoken widely on the economic consequences of the pandemic.
Economic outlook (Global and UK outlook, economic policy issues, future megatrends and geopolitics)
Graeme is one of Britain’s leading experts on the economics of BREXIT and its future impact.
In a world in which the future is becoming more and more uncertain, and there is less time to make sense of it, Graeme helps clients to understand the big picture, and thereby have a clearer view of tomorrow, today. He's also not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom and over the course of his career has made many big calls subsequently proven correct. Here are 3 examples:
In the middle of 2020 he forecast a significant acceleration in US inflation in 2021, many months before other commentators, and at a time when most were expecting deflation as a result of the pandemic. More than a decade ago he forecast that the UK would leave the EU by 2015 - OK a year out! And right at the start of his career, in early 1989, he began advising clients that the Soviet Union would collapse due to economic, political and geopolitical pressures. Nobody was forecasting such an outcome at that time and it was more than 2 years before the dissolution eventually occurred at the end of 1991.

about graeme leach
CEO and Chief Economist
British keynote speaker Graeme Leach is a professor of economic policy and a member of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (SMPC) of high profile UK macroeconomists. He has written numerous articles for The Times and The Daily Telegraph and had a weekly column in the City AM newspaper of London.
He is widely recognised in the media, having participated in more than 150 live TV and radio interviews for BBC News, Sky News, CNBC, CNN, the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme, BBC Radio 4 World at One and many others.
Between 1997 and 2014 he worked as Chief Economist and Director of Policy at the Institute of Directors (IoD), which represented more than 30,000 company directors in the UK. He represented the IoD in talks with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and 10 Downing Street.
In 2014 Graeme became Director of Economics at The Legatum Institute, a global think-tank focussed on identifying the sources of economic prosperity across the globe.
He is currently CEO & Chief Economist of macronomics, a macroeconomic, geopolitical and future megatrends research consultancy. He is also Director of Economic Futures at Global Futures & Foresight, a Senior Fellow of the Legatum Institute and a Life Fellow of the Institute of Directors.
Former Regional Director IoD
" Graeme Leach was very much our number one choice for a first class speaker at our dinners and seminars. He is an incredibly bright man who has the rare gift of explaining complex factors affecting the economy with simplicity and a great sense of humor."
Chris Dodson
"An inspiring speaker on the present and future economic outlook ... Graeme is particularly good at making the complex sound simple and engaging his audience while dealing with complex subjects".
Gareth Williams
CEO Gigaclear
"Great speaker and really easy to work with"
James Sproule
Chief Economist UK, Handelsbanken
"Just great"
contact and book Graeme Leach
If you want to know what the future holds for the economy and economic policy spliced in with politics, geopolitics and future megatrends, then book Graeme for your conference.

Professor Graeme Leach